Monday, February 27, 2012

Falling off the wagon and still getting results!

So my yoga routine has laspsed.....not more than a class or two a week for the last month, however, my eating habits have stayed roughly the same.  My blogging time has decreased significantly, but I am keeping better mental note of what I am eating and the choices I am making.  I started doing some short (20 minute) yoga sessions at home and toning in my spare moments.

Last week, after years of them being too tight, I slipped into my lucky interview pants (results still pending) and I can feel that other items are fitting differently as well.  I looked at myself naked in the mirror this weekend and I was convinced something more had changed : )

I got out the tape measure this morning, and in fact there was a change!

Chest: 49-50 "  *same
Waist : 41" *down .75
Muffin Top: 42"  *down 1.5
Hips: 52" *same
Thigh: 28" *down .5
Bicep: 15" *down .5

*total inches lost since last check (1/16/12)
3.5 inches

For a total lost of 10.25 inches overall!!!

Our wedding is 33 days away, with my future mother in law coming to stay with us for the next month I am hoping to find more time for yoga and some special date nights with my future husband : )  He has been such great support in this process and I truly appreciate all he does!

We are discussing doing a "Juice" fast the documentary "Fat, Sick and almost Dead"...inspiring!

I still plan to train for my first 5k!

Here's to not giving up, even when life doesn't let you have your routine!
aka Puddles

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