Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Challenge Day 21 - Getting ZZZZ's

Tonight was THY and we started at 20% humidity and ended the class at 46% humidity. 
 I was definately challenged and I MOST DEFINATELY sweat!! 
Once again, tonight I was in the zone.  I was focused on my gaze and went to work. 

The Gaze: 
In yoga practice, the gaze (“drishti”) serves two purposes: (1) it expresses the energy and action of a yoga pose, and (2) it focuses the mind. Each purpose is also a teaching tool. You can use the theme of the gaze to help students explore the physical actions of different yoga poses, and you can use the theme to teach mental concentration.

more great info found HERE

Tonight I felt more grounded in my engaged leg during poses.
 My core was engaged.  I was able to hold balancing poses longer!
  ( Thanks to a tip from my yoga buddy, Jade! )

Now back to the real topic:

When I began yoga, my daughter was 9 months old, not sleeping through the night and I was tired and a bit miserable.  As I have continued with yoga, I feel more tired at night.  My mind wanders less, I am able to settle down and sleep at a decent hour and I sleep hard : )  I am able to get 4 good hours of sleep before my daughter wakes to eat, and sometimes I don't wake.  So either I am sleeping to hard and she isnt' completely awake and  falls back asleep, or she isn't getting up either.  Either way, I am pleased!  I feel better at work, I can concentrate more, multi task like a champ and do it all with a smile : )

And speaking of sleep.......

aka Puddles

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