by ME on Sunday, November 27, 2011 at 9:53pm
I have been really excited for Yoga-versity to open, and when it did, I got online and signed up for Pole Fitness with a co-worker. A week ago, I decided to go even though my co-worker could no longer make it.  Luckily, I have some wonderful girlfriends who joined me for the night, as great minds think alike and they had already signed up!  We laughed, encouraged eachother and learned a few pole tricks : )  I had a blast, but I was not prepared for the sore upper body I had the next day....WOW!

But hey, we had a great Monday night, I grabbed a few more friends for Pole Fitness.  And once again, success!  I had a great time!  And the next day....OMG, sore!  But to combat the soreness I knew was coming, I signed up for Hot Fusion Yoga.  I was pumped!

 Before going, I read this article:

I laughed so hard, I sent it to my friend who would be attending with me.  I was prepared to be the "duck among flamingos".  I haven't done yoga in almost a decade and my curves I saw as an issue.  So I went to yoga, and though I wasn't perfect, I felt good : )  I then attend Pole Fitness again that evening. YAY!
I took THursday (Thanksgiving) and Black Friday off, as the studio was closed and contemplated whether or not to go to yoga Saturday and Sunday.

 I read a few articles:


(these are the same 3 links listed above)

Now I will admit, I really enjoyed my Wednesday morning (5:30am) yoga, but I felt I couldn't quite keep up.  I felt anxious and encouraged after the articles I read.  I was also going to a longer class and that worried me.  Could I take the heat that long (105 degrees), would I feel okay?  Nothing could prepare me for how I truly would feel!

Our instructor, Deena, made us aware that there is "NO ego in yoga"....I needed to hear that.  I was a short, round duck among tall, thin, balanced on one leg in "tree" pose flamingos.  I quit thinking about it and focused on ME...holy crap, all my attention was on ME!  That never happens!  I am always trying to be a step ahead, have a plan, take care of the house, kids, job, finances, meal plans...planning events for friends, etc, etc, etc.  I never just stop.  But that is what I did.  For an hour and a half, I listened to the instuctions and focused on my poses and breathing...and I even had a good when you are to touch your forehead to your knee, I realized my large breasts will suffocate me first : )  Huzzah to my curves!    I left Saturday yoga feeling great, but still coming into my feelings.

TOday, I couldn't wait for Yoga!  I was pumped, went for a walk with Chris and Avyn after lunch and then headed to yoga!  And today, I felt even better.  I already could feel that my balance was improved, my poses were more accurate and my mind....was thinking of only me : )  And because of the ME time, I feel happier and more attentive when I am home.

I would like to do yoga everyday and am working out my finances and time to possibly do so.  I want to do a 30 day blog, to see how my body, mind and spirit changes with 30 days of ME time yoga.  I question how my core muscles will change, as after 3 c-sections, my abs are shot and I know my back muscles have made up for the lack.  I feel it now during yoga, but I hope to learn how to engage my core more.   I question if I will shed inches.  I question if I will be more focused in my everyday life.  I hope to find these things out.

Now with my Positive Body Image party around the corner, I feel that having real experience will only give my findings more creditability and I can't wait to share more!

I have continued to attend yoga:

Monday 11/28/11 *** I did 30 minutes of yoga (Candlelight Yoga by Crunch Fitness) at home before getting ready for work, I enjoyed it, but truly missed the "me" time I get when I am not at home hearing the bustle around me.