Friday, December 9, 2011

Challenge Day 9 - Getting Thrown Off Course

Today I am the *frazzled mom* : )

I went to bed last night at about 9pm, after packing for our weekend away and doing some work from home.  I was exhausted !  I fell into a deep *drooling* sleep and was abruptly awoken by my daughter at 10:45pm.  I got her fed, rocked and back to sleep and went back to sleep a ROCK!  Then was awoken again at 3:50 am, an hour before I planned to get up for Hot Power Fusion.  So fine, I would just stay up.  I got her changed, fed and back to sleep and then FELL ASLEEP....aggghh!  I awoke at 5:20 giving me 10 minutes to get to yoga.  I jumped up, threw on a bra and t-shirt, slid on some sweats and ran to the car.  I enjoy having my 30 minute prep time for yoga, I like to get my mind prepared.  NOPE, not I was a frazzled mess!!!!

I took my deep breaths and tried to prepare myself for Hot Power Fusion.  The room seemed 10 degrees hotter than usual, I felt like I was sweating before I started moving.   Maybe it was my already amped adrenaline from being in a rush.  (BTW...I *HATE* feeling rushed and don't handle it so well at times)
Now, for a nice twist... the HPF routine this morning was the one I did for my first class.  I was able to see where I have improved since day one.  I am more toned, a bit stronger, more coordinated.

I still struggle with Flow classes vs. traditional classes, as some poses I find hard to hold for extended periods and then move directly into other poses that I find hard to hold : )  (Like the warrior series I posted a few days ago, or the *eagle* to *warrior3* to *balancing stick* flow...holy moly)

But like always, I pushed through.  If I fell out of pose, I got back in and did my best : )
I enjoy THY because I feel I have time to find *MY PLACE* in each pose, and that has something to say for itself.  But because I enjoy the challenge, I continue to put HPF in there... YAY!

I have been struggling with the *Toppling Tree Pose*

My back, shoulders and neck were VERY tight this morning, I felt I really had to work for each stretch.  I was able to do the balancing part of this pose, but I can't seem to get my arms to pull up and away from my back.  I am not sure how to remedy this, but I am looking for an answer or a way to loosen my shoulder to make this a possibility.

So, I made it through class...SWEATING the whole time!
I felt great when I stepped out into the cold morning air : )
Came home to a ton of stuff to get done which made me late for work.  I could have cried...I was actually at that point where I could have shed tears or punched something, but I did neither.
I was stressed a bit, was owly with my fiance and rushed to get our daughter to daycare and me to the office.
I am going away this weekend which will be fun, and possibly a little stressful, but I am excited to see my family!!!!
(and bake Gingerbread men cookies with my boys!)

I wonder if I will miss yoga? 
 I wonder if I will have more or less motivation for Mondays 5:30am HPF class?

I look forward to the next week of the challenge : )
Just trying to BREATH for today.

Needing a cup of coffee and a smile,
aka Puddles

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